segunda-feira, 29 de março de 2010

Electronic Newsletter - Passos A Seguir

Dear members,
have a look at this document to know exactly what to do now that you have already received the texts you are supposed to read.
Good luck to all of us!
Michele & Tatiana

domingo, 28 de março de 2010

Por que os bebes nao falam como adultos

Great article written by Joshua Hartshorne, a Harvard researcher.
Published in the magazine Scientific American. Then, translated and published in the magazine Mente e Cerebro in their March/2010 issue.
I just loved it! I'm sure you'll like it too!
Michele ;)

Picture Books, Storytelling, And Imaginative Learning

Dear members, while researching about other SIGs on different topics from different place, I came across this simple but very interesting article on Storytelling, books and imaginative learning.
I decided to post it as an example of how we can register the things we have been researching about and the things we have been producing.
Patricia Daly Oe wrote the article to be published in the proceedings of a conference. The article is short but full of nice ideas.
So, get down to business and start registering all your productions!
Best regards,
Michele ;)

quinta-feira, 25 de março de 2010

Extra Inspiration

Dear members,
the deadline for finishing our articles is coming! We've got three days to go!
So I decided to post some quotes so that we can all have some extra inspiration right now!!!

"Writing is an exploration.You start from nothing and learn as you go."
E. L. Doctorow

"Be yourself. Above all, let who you are, what you are, what you believe, shine through every sentence you write, every piece you finish."
John Jakes

Good luck!

All the best,

Michele ;)

domingo, 21 de março de 2010

Mixed Ability Class Chart

Dear members, here you have the chart we worked on in our first meeting this year. Please, remember to finish filling it in so that we can go through it real fast next meeting.
Miche & Tati

Call For Presentations Apirs 2010

Dear members,
it's time you got organized and prepared an interesting presentation in order to share your wondeful ideas and activities.

quinta-feira, 18 de março de 2010

Dear Members and Members To Be...

What is our Young Learners SIG?

A group of teachers who meet once a month to discuss, reflect, share, create, and question several different aspects related to teaching English to young learners.

How does it work?

We meet once a month and discuss a topic which is chosen in the previous meeting. Besides, we get prepared for the meetings by reading the bibliography selected by the coordinators.

Where does it take place?

At SBS @ 6, Caldas Junior Street

How much is it?

You don’t have to pay for it if you are an APIRS member. If you are not an APIRS member, you can send an e-mail to and they’ll send you the membership form.

When will our meetings take place this semester?

Our next meetings will be on March 20th, April 10th, May 15th, June 12th, and July 03rd from 9.30 to 12.00.

We look forward to seeing you all at SBS next Saturday!


Tatiana Canto de Carvalho & Michele Schwertner (Coordinators)

domingo, 7 de março de 2010

Next Meeting on March 20th

Dear SIG members,
we're having our first 2010 meeting on March the 20th and the topic we'll discuss is Mixed Ability Classes in Teaching English to Young Learners. Below, you'll find some articles you should read.
Besides reading the articles, you should consider these aspects: adapting tasks, extending tasks, encouraging co-operation and peer questioning and how to put them into practice.
Miche & Tati

Mixed Ability Adaptation

Article on Mixed Ability Classes by Jim Rose, Director
of Studies for Teacher Training at International House London.

Mixed Ability Classes 1

Article by Gareth Rees, teacher/teacher trainer, London Metropolitan University, UK.

Mixed Ability Classes 2

One more article by Gareth Rees.

Great Events

Dear members, have a look at the ELT Calendar below and get ready for some real nice events!

ELT Calendar

ELT Calendar by Sara Walker

Great ideas and wonderful activities!

Dear SIG members, below you can find the activities we shared in one of the meetings we had last year.
Hope you can all make use of them!
Miche & Tati


One nice rhyme!
View more documents from tatticanto.

Task Chart - Following Directions At School

Nice Activity to practice following directions!

Task Chart - School Bag

Great activity to practice colors and school objects!

What's Different?

Cool activity to work on school objects and materials!

How Do I Get There

Great activity to work on directions!

Guess Where They Are

Nice activity to work on parts of the house and family members!

Snakes And Ladders

Check out this lesson plan!

Snakes And Ladders Pic

Let's play Snakes and Ladders!

Task Chart Ana And Claudia

A very nice rhyme about Mr. Skeleton!

Course Book Analyses

Dear SIG members, below you will find some of the charts with our course book analyses.
Miche & Tati

Course Books Analyses 1a

Course Books Analyses 1

Vivian sent me this at the beginning of last year and I am posting it again here. So, here you have it...
Check the link out and get lots of ideas!

Oi, Michele.
Não tive tempo de escrever nada novo, mas achei que seria interessantecompartilhar com os professores da SIG as atividades que eu apresentei na oficina da SBS. O link é

Bjs, Vivian

Important Issues Related To Designing Materials

Points to ponder when designing materials.

Why Stories

A nice article on Storytelling written by Sylvia Nadig and published at ETAS Journal.

Language Through Stories

One more article on stories.

In Their Eyes By Lucy Crichton

An article written by Lucy Crinchton, a wonderful stroyteller and teacher trainer.
Enjoy all these readings. We will discuss them on November 07th.
Miche and Tati

Developing And Designing Materials

Syllabus Chart

This is the blank syllabus chart divided by grades. Try to fill it in according to what we have discussed.

Welcome back!

As we're going to start our meetings all over again, our blog has just been filled with new stuff and some old stuff.
Hope to see ya all quite soon!
Michele & Tatiana

sábado, 6 de março de 2010

Syllabus Contents

Check out this SlideShare Presentation: